Numeracy: Number Comparison and Ordering

A Closer Look…   Comparing numbers is a student’s skill to determine whether one number is more than, less than, or the same amount as another number. Or, whether the number of objects in a set has more, less, or the same as another. Ordering numbers is a student’s skill to arrange a group of numbers […]

Understanding and Identifying Emotions

It’s a familiar scene in the kindergarten classroom – you’re working on writing by helping a student narrate his drawing when all of the sudden you hear, “GIVE IT BACK!” from across the room. You look up to see Ella, red-faced with tears streaming down her cheeks. Moments like these – where emotions take center […]

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and RELATIONSHIPS!

In the hustle and bustle of busy school days it’s easy to lose focus on what decades of research reveals is a critical component of the recipe for a child’s success in school—a strong teacher-child relationship.  A student who is connected to a teacher who is supportive, accepting, and sensitive gets more out of school […]

Supporting Self-Regulation with Cues and Visuals

We all rely on cues from our environment to help us regulate our behavior — from to-do lists, to alarms, to roadway signs! Cues help students manage their emotions and behavior, and internalize classroom rules. Cues can be verbal (e.g., spoken words or songs) or non-verbal (e.g., physical gestures or visuals)—what’s most important is that you […]

Accessing Your VKRP Resources

The VKRP Resources include evidence-based strategies and activities to support your students’ math, self-regulation, and social skills.  There are tips on “common errors” and how to support students to correct them.  Many activities include ways to extend and provide more challenge to students. However, we all know the key to using resources is being able […]