About VKRP

The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) aims to build a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness. As an assessment system, VKRP adds measures of mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten to complement Virginia’s statewide assessment of literacy skills (VALLS: Pre-K and VALLS: K).

Elementary school kids arrive at school from the school bus

Past to Present

Since 2013, VKRP has expanded from a pilot in 100 classrooms to a statewide comprehensive assessment system. See how we started and where we’re headed.

Two children hold sign with VLP logo

Connection With VLP

VKRP works closely with Virginia Literacy Partnerships (VLP) to provide a more comprehensive picture of school readiness.

Geometric shapes on a wooden background all fitting together.

A Dedicated Partnership

VKRP was developed and is sustained through a partnership between researchers, educators, early childhood advocates, and the Virginia Department of Education.

VKRP provides actionable information that can be used to support children's success in school

An arched walkway at the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education

The Team Behind VKRP

In partnership with the Virginia Department of Education, VKRP is implemented by a devoted team at the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at the University of Virginia.

Four kids hanging out together on the playground

Understanding the Readiness Landscape

High-quality early learning experiences are critical. But, not all children enter kindergarten having had the resources, opportunities, and experiences to develop the foundational skills needed for a great start in school.

girl showing a thumbs up sign holding poster of VKRP assessments, reports, and resources

A Coordinated System

VKRP builds a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness by providing a set of coordinated assessments, data reports, and instructional resources.