A Quick Look at VKRP
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) builds a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness and success.

Coordinated Assessments
VKRP measures mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills to complement Virginia’s statewide assessment of literacy using the VALLS: Pre-K and the PALS-K.

Reporting System
Detailed reports of student’s skills at the student, classroom, school, and division/program levels can be used by teachers, families, principals, and division/program leaders.

Instructional Resources
VKRP offers online, remote, and in-person trainings as well as guides and activities to better understand and support students’ skill development.

Measuring Four Critical Skills
As a statewide assessment program, VKRP places an equal emphasis on children’s academic and social-emotional skills because both are important for long-term success in school and life.
Before Kindergarten
- How to best support program improvement
- Understand how investments are working
- Provide benchmark to monitor progress
- Help families understand what school readiness means

Kindergarten and Beyond
- Guide instruction and interactions
- Refer for early intervention
- Target curricula or PD
- Partner with families to support school success
VKRP Snapshots
VKRP provides actionable information to assist teachers, leaders, policy makers, and others to work toward equitable learning opportunities for every child.
Our snapshots provide data about the statewide readiness landscape in the fall and spring of each year.

Virginia's Kindergarten Readiness Landscape
VKRP fills many needs in the state, as evidenced by the numbers.
(or more!) children enter kindergarten every year in Virginia and are served by VKRP.
three and four-year-old children in publicly funded programs were assessed with VKRP.
VKRP classroom resources are available in the areas of math, self-regulation, and social skills. VKRP recommends specific resources for each individual classroom.
states (and the District of Columbia) have established kindergarten entry learning standards for pre-kindergartners. VKRP discerns if Virginia standards are being met.

A Focus on Mental Health
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, VKRP added survey items to better understand students’ mental health and well-being.
The pandemic affected children’s and teachers’ lives. The data from the survey items will help teachers and administrators understand who needs additional supports for their mental health and well-being.
VKRP Expansion

EMAS Grades 1-3 Assessment Pilot
The VKRP team, in collaboration with VDOE, is conducting a mathematics, self-regulation, social skills, and mental health assessment pilot in grades 1-3.

Partnering with Families
VKRP is working with families to help them better understand what school readiness means and how to support it by providing reports, resources, and websites tailored for families.

VKRP for Preschool Expands!
VKRP is available to all publicly funded pre-kindergarten programs to assess three and four-year-old children’s skills.