Measuring Language and Literacy
Children’s early language and literacy skills

Measuring Language and Literacy Skills
Students’ early language and literacy skills are measured using the Virginia Language & Literacy Screening System (VALLSS). Virginia Literacy Partnerships (VLP) collects and analyzes VALLSS data.
Quick Overview of the VLP Measures
The VKRP assessments of mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills complement the Virginia Language & Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) and are used in all 132 Virginia kindergarten school divisions and in publicly funded pre-kindergarten classrooms.
The Virginia Language & Literacy Screener: Pre-K (VALLS: Pre-K) and Virginia Language & Literacy Screener: Kindergarten (VALLS: K) are proactive, preventive screening measures that assist teachers, schools, and programs in providing differentiated, targeted instruction to meet each child’s needs. VALLSS provides teachers with invaluable information that they can use to plan appropriate instruction for all readers based on the data gathered from the screeners.
Our Connection with VLP
VKRP works closely with the Virginia Literacy Partnerships (VLP) to provide a more comprehensive picture of school readiness.
Get to Know VLP
Learn more about Virginia Literacy Partnerships (VLP) and how the VALLSS measures language and literacy.