Benefits for Schools and Pre-k Programs
VKRP helps programs, schools, and division leaders better support teachers and their students by providing tailored, integrated reports that highlight students’ readiness skills. VKRP data can be exported and merged with existing program-level, school-level, and division-level data so that multiple sources of information can be combined to better understand student readiness and development. School-level and division-level historical reports are also available as far back as the 2019-2020 school year.

What program, school, and division leadership find most useful
Identifying Student Needs
Reports provide important information that highlight the populations within programs, schools, and divisions that are facing multiple barriers, allowing for early identification of students' unique learning needs.
Allocating Resources Equitably
VKRP data can help program, school, and division leaders determine where resources are needed the most and identify professional development needs for teachers.
Accessing Flexible Data
Administrators can export and use their VKRP readiness data to merge with existing program or division data. Administrators also have access to historical data reports.
We see this assessment as a valuable tool. I am excited to use all of the reports for further instruction.
— Principal, Participating VKRP School