A Moment of Reflection and Gratitude: Statewide Implementation of VKRP Still Going Strong, Thanks to YOU!
A message from the Virginia Department of Education’s Division of Early Childhood Care and Education
Guest Author: Dr. Tamilah Richardson, Director of Early Childhood Learning
Two years ago, statewide implementation of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) for all of the Commonwealth’s kindergarteners began. No one imagined this inaugural year for gaining the state’s first fully comprehensive understanding of students’ foundational literacy, mathematics, self-regulation and social skills would be interrupted by a pandemic. The challenges that lay ahead of us as COVID-19 continued to impact access and full implementation were simply unforeseen.
The VKRP/PALS/UVA-CASTL teams turned these challenges into opportunities and there are many achievements to acknowledge: remote options for PALS and the EMAS; the addition of well-being items and open response fields to the CBRS and the subsequent launch of the ECE Resource Hub (which now also provides a set of infant and toddler resources in addition to those designed to help preschool educators better foster young children’s social emotional skills); preschool access to the CBRS in fall of 2020; and the expansion of VKRP to pre-K beginning this fall. But the important thing to note is that all of these accomplishments would not have been possible without your persistence, innovation and flexibility around implementation, and more specifically, administration of the VKRP assessments amidst vast unknowns and incredibly stressful times. On this note: check out our previous blogs that offer self-care and mindful tips to help you de-stress — Self-care and the Four R’s of Resilience or Acknowledge Your Needs & Know Your S.T.U.F.
Your strongly held belief in the importance of having school readiness data for every child is what truly warrants the applause. These data provided a clearer picture of pandemic-related impacts on children’s learning and development and became the basis for the targeted instruction (whether in-person, virtual or hybrid) you skillfully provided students in areas most critical to their success in kindergarten and beyond. VKRP data also informed decisions around supportive resources for K-2 and early childhood educators, leading to increased state-funded preschool slots and greater investments in tools like PALS and interventions such as tutoring and extended day programs. Millions of dollars are now being allocated to younger learners largely because of you. Thank you for remaining valued partners in the success of this important initiative and for your part in helping make so many monumental and timely achievements a reality!

Fall 2021 Administration Continues through November 5*
VKRP and PALS administration for the Fall 2021 Assessment Term continues through November 5, and the VDOE, VKRP and PALS teams are here to support your implementation needs. Having complete VKRP assessment data on all students in the fall and spring of the 2021-2022 school year is essential to gaining a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on our youngest learners. Through this critical knowledge, we learn at the state and local levels how to best support recovery efforts. VKRP data and resources equip educators, division/program leaders and families with powerful information and targeted supports to meet the unique and individual needs of every child. Full implementation of VKRP well positions Virginia to achieve its education equity (#EdEquityVA) goal to eliminate the predictability of child outcomes based on a child’s background or zip code.
As a reminder, VKRP is required for all kindergarten students in the fall and spring, and is required for VPI four-year-olds in the fall and spring. The VDOE is committed to ensuring that every child required to take the VKRP has access, regardless of instructional settings. Read Superintendent’s Memo #299-21 for guidance on how to assess students who are attending a fully virtual instructional setting.
*Note: The VKRP Fall 2021-2022 assessment term is open August 23 – November 5, 2021 (extended to 12/8/2021 for students returning from quarantine/illness). Communication on the COVID/quarantining term extension for VKRP was sent in an update email on September 29 to division contacts.
If you have questions, please contact:
- For training and support with administration:
- Wanda Weaver, VKRP Director of Outreach, at vkrp@virginia.edu or by telephone at (866) 301-8278 ext. 1
- PALS at pals@virginia.edu or by telephone at (888) 882-7257
- For general inquiries regarding VKRP as the state’s readiness assessment system:
- Dr. Tamilah Richardson, Director of Early Childhood Learning, at Tamilah.Richardson@doe.virginia.gov or by telephone at (804) 225-4781
Thank you for your dedicated service and commitment to ensuring all of Virginia’s littlest learners enter kindergarten ready to thrive!
More questions? VKRP provides support via the online chat feature when you are in the system, via email vkrp@virginia.edu, and via toll free 866-301-8278 ext. 1