Fall 2022 Literacy Updates
From the VLP Team

We have big news! Our office is now called Virginia Literacy Partnerships, or VLP. The VLP office administers the new Pre-K Language & Literacy Screener as well as PALS-K and PALS 1–3. Although we are no longer called the PALS Office, the same friendly faces and voices are here for you! As you prepare for this school year, we want to make sure that you are aware of 5 new resources available to you:
1. Pre-K Language & Literacy Screener
We are excited to introduce the Pre-K Language & Literacy Screener, Virginia’s new early literacy screener that replaces PALS-PreK, effective this fall. We extend a heartfelt thanks to all who participated in piloting.
Materials and Score Entry
- Teachers will receive new binders from their Division Representative, who orders from the VLP office.
- Teachers access score entry through their VLP account (same as “old” PALS account).
- Tasks differ based on age and screening window; 3- and 4-year-olds may be screened.
- The screener assesses:

Learn to Administer:
- Assessment Videos: Available by September 1st in the Professional Learning tab of your online account; there is a video for each task
- Pre-K Certification Tutorial: Available in early September in the Professional Learning tab of your online account
- Practice Account: Available September 6th, practice accounts mimic the “real deal;” Login information is available from your Division Representative
- Webinar: The Pre-K Screener Sneak Peek webinar is available through the Professional Learning tab of your online account
2. New Public Homepage
We have a wealth of new links and resources at http://literacy.virginia.edu. If you have bookmarked only the login page and want to access the new homepage, simply click on Virginia Literacy Partnerships at the top of the page. There are links for educators and families, and we will continue to add new content.

3. Help Center
Within your online account, the Help Center provides answers to the most common questions at your fingertips. You may search the new Help Center, accessible via the blue navigation bar in your online account. It may save you a call or an email!

4. Educator Resource Center
- This resource contains Professional Learning modules, Instructional Resources, a Professional Learning Library, and much more! Check the center often for new additions.
- You can access the Educator Resource Center three ways: (1) from within your online account by selecting the Professional Learning tab, Educator Resource Center page; (2) from the Virginia Literacy Partnerships homepage under the Educators tab; or (3) from the Login page, click the Virginia Literacy Partnerships logo and select the Educators tab.

5. VALUE Series (Virginia Assessment for Literacy Updated & Expanded)
- This professional-learning series is grounded in science-based reading research with topics such as explicit instruction, language development, data literacy, dual language development, and more. Keep an eye out for packages to be released as they are developed. Each package includes resources such as introductory videos, infographics, recorded webinars, professional learning guides for coaches, and instructional resources.
- Access it within your online account: Professional Learning tab, Educator Resource Center page or from the VLP public page.
We are grateful to partner with you in the service of students and families in Virginia. Here’s to a great school year!
Questions for the VKRP Team? VKRP provides support via the online chat feature when you are in the system, via email vkrp@virginia.edu, and via toll free 866-301-8278