Teacher Self-Care: 8 Tips for Teachers to Boost Up Their Summer Self-Care

Dominique McLaughlin, LPC
Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP)
I am certain that we all have memories about an educator who inspired us, encouraged us, made learning fun for us, and even pushed us to soar beyond our own expectations. As educators, you are a vital part of our communities and society. Even beyond providing education in the classroom, as teachers you give purpose, nurture, mentor and create positive learning environments. You have spent countless hours in and out of your classrooms this year, preparing to provide students with the tools they need to be successful. Most would agree that each of you are among the most key members of our society.
As you are well aware, for the past two years during the global pandemic, you and your students have faced a vast number of challenges. The traditional classroom setting suddenly vanished by the global pandemic. Traditional education was replaced by distance, remote learning, and with that came a whole new and very complex set of challenges for everyone. As in-person learning largely resumed this school year, young children continued to adjust to the changes, requiring increased social and emotional support for each of you. Your adaptability and dedication was tested beyond any reasonable standards in your efforts to create a sense of normalcy, to sustain your students’ well-being, while still striving for academic, social, and emotional progress. You pulled from many resources in an effort to create learning environments that could meet the needs of each student and family.
Eight Tips to Re-fill Your Cup this Summer
It has been incredibly difficult for all of us, and in many ways, it still is. In the past two years, our energy and capacity to cope has been stretched to their max. However, despite these challenges, the resiliency of each of you and our youngest learners in the Commonwealth has shone brightly! Now is the time to re-charge and replenish your batteries by making yourself a priority and boosting up your summer self-care. Remember that we cannot pour from an empty cup.

Here are eight practical tips to re-fill your cup this summer:
- Rest! It is so much harder than it seems after being on the go, go, go! Sleep is critical not only for physical health but it is also for mental and emotional replenishment. Just like children, as adults our mood and capacity to cope are significantly impacted by sleep.
- Practice making yourself a priority each day. To do this, be intentional about spending at least 20 minutes each day alone to connect with your inner wisdom. You may consider making a list of things that help you feel at peace or calm, even if that means just sitting quietly with no outside distractions or taking a walk with a favorite podcast.
- Engage in things you are enthusiastic about in your community. Purposely plan regular activities to look forward to that soothe your stress. Be safe and create a summer bucket list!
- Develop and maintain healthy habits. To do this, be sure to deliberately drink plenty of water, balance your diet and maintain proper sleep hygiene. Remember, it takes months for a new routine to become a habit, so stick with it!
- Spend time with those who bring you joy. To do this, think about those who provide positive energy and create opportunities to reclaim social connectedness. Self-care is both individual and collective. As a matter of fact, self-care routines and strategies are much more likely to be maintained in a collective environment of self-care — find your squad!
- Set reasonable expectations for yourself and boundaries with those around you. This is often one of the hardest things to do for teachers and those in helping professions—but it is critically important in helping to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. To do this, know your comfort level and identify what triggers your stress. It is ok to say “no”!
- Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude. To do this, acknowledge the good parts of any situation, experience, or event. Express thankfulness to others for their positive contributions to your life. Remember, there is always something to be grateful for!
- Remember your why! Many teachers chose this profession for a reason, and you have an opportunity and the privilege to make a significant impact on society. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZe5y2D60YU)

As you enter the summer months, remember that self-care looks different for all of us. Self-care must be intentional and deliberate. It is what recharges you, rejuvenates you, and helps you restore so you can give the best version of yourself. Self-care is a vital and essential practice.
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