Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Teacher welcomes students to class

The VKRP team is excited to welcome new and returning kindergarten and pre-kindergarten teachers to the 2023-2024 school year!

VKRP provides teachers, schools, and families valuable information about students’ skills in four key areas: Mathematics (measured using the Early Mathematics Assessment System; EMAS), Literacy (measured using assessments from the Virginia Literacy Partnerships, literacy.virginia.edu) and teachers’ perceptions of Self-Regulation and Social Skills (measured by the Child Behavior Rating Scale; CBRS). Additionally, there are items for teachers to report on their perceptions of students’ mental health well-being.

Centers, schools, and teachers can use data to help inform instructional decisions that will support students’ learning and social-emotional development. VKRP and other formative and summative assessment data can be used to plan instruction at the group and individual child levels. Having information on students’ academic and social-emotional skills, and their well-being can help teachers, schools, and programs ensure support for all students that meets each child’s developmental needs.

Participating teachers and administrators are encouraged to follow the steps provided in this blog to ensure a seamless VKRP fall assessment term. And, don’t forget about all the VKRP reports and resources that are available on the VKRP web portal!

Teacher Tips

1. Familiarize yourself with the program manual.

The manual is structured to provide a complete overview of VKRP, detailed instructions on assessment administration, troubleshooting guidance, and other relevant information to help you comprehensively understand VKRP. New teachers should read the manual to ensure they understand the purpose behind VKRP, how to complete the assessments, and what reports and resources are available. Returning teachers can adopt a more focused reading approach by using the table of contents to identify specific sections where they may need to refresh.

It is found under Assessment Guides → Essential Documents on the VKRP web portal that can be accessed once you login to the VLP site and click on VKRP.

Essential Documents

2. Attend an in-person training session or watch the online training modules. The online training modules can be viewed and reviewed anytime and anywhere with an internet connection. Many Programs and Divisions schedule time to bring teachers and other educators together for an in-person training session(s) and supplement that training with online modules. These trainings can provide valuable insights, strategies, and resources to enhance teachers’ assessment administration skills. In-person training sessions are interactive and give step-by-step guidance on administering VKRP, including protocols and best practices.

Online training modules are found under Training → My VKRP Training Modules on the VKRP web portal.

Training Modules

3. Watch the EMAS video demonstrations. These videos represent correct techniques and expected administration standards and serve as a model for teachers. Teachers can learn at their own pace, pause or rewind as needed, and revisit demonstrations

They are found under Essential Documents → EMAS Video Demonstrations on the VKRP web portal.

Video Demonstrations

4. Practice the assessments.

The CBRS practice assessments allows teachers to familiarize themselves with the behaviors they will be observing for the CBRS. The EMAS practice assessment allows educators to become familiar with the items on the assessment and sequence of administration. Teachers could practice administering the assessment, which could involve role-playing scenarios or conducting practice sessions with peers.

They are found under Essential Documents → Access Practice Assessments on the VKRP web portal.

Practice Assessments

Administrator Tips

1. Provide clear instructions and guidance. Communicate the purpose, objectives, and expectations of the assessment. Ensure that teachers understand the purpose of VKRP, how it aligns with the VDOE’s expectations, and how the results will inform instruction.

2. Offer ongoing support and mentoring. Establish a continuing support and mentoring system to help teachers feel confident and comfortable administering assessments. 

3. Provide opportunities for reflection and feedback. Encourage teachers to reflect on their assessment administration practices and share their insights and challenges. Offer opportunities for structured reflection and feedback sessions where teachers can discuss their experiences, seek guidance, and collaborate on strategies for improvement.

4. Recognize and celebrate success. Acknowledge and celebrate teachers’ efforts and successes in learning how to administer assessments effectively. Highlight good practices and share success stories within the school or district community. This recognition can motivate teachers and reinforce the importance.

When teachers and administrators work together to support one another, we have heard how much easier it is to complete the VKRP assessments. We strongly encourage both teachers and administrators to review the tips provided in this blog and discuss supports that might be needed ahead of the VKRP window.

Thank you for your commitment to Virginia’s youngest learners’ well-being and success. We are here to support you. Please reach out to our team with any questions or comments via our toll-free hotline 866-301-8278, email vkrp@virginia.edu, or utilize our online “support” chat while you are in the VKRP web portal.

More Questions for the VKRP Team? VKRP provides support via the online chat feature when you are in the system, via email vkrp@virginia.edu, and via toll free 866-301-8278

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