Welcome to VKRP!
2022 – 2023 School Year

The team at VKRP is thrilled to welcome Virginia kindergarten and pre-kindergarten teachers to VKRP for the 2022-2023 school year! We have some exciting new additions/revisions to VKRP this fall, so please read on to learn about what’s new this year.
VKRP has been extended to serve 3-year-old children in publicly-funded programs
We have developed a downward extension of VKRP for 3-year-olds in publicly-funded pre-kindergarten programs. 3-year-old and 4-year-old children in VPI and VECF Mixed Delivery classrooms will be assessed using VKRP in the fall and spring. VKRP is also available for 3- and 4-year-olds in other pre-k classrooms that receive public funding. VKRP will continue to provide implementation support for participating pre-k programs. Pre-kindergarten VKRP data will allow teachers to better understand the early foundational skills that young children bring to their classrooms.
We have made updates to the VKRP Application
Updated look and feel of the VKRP Landing Page
Check out the kindergarten screenshot below! It doesn’t just look better, it functions better too! Now you can more easily start and proceed to assessments with updated navigation menus. You will select the version and method of the assessment and then confirm that all the information is correct before proceeding to the assessment.

The pre-kindergarten landing page has also been updated. There is an “Age Level” column to help teachers easily see which version of the EMAS (3-year-old or 4-year-old) will be given to each student (see screenshot below). This column is sortable, which will be helpful in mixed-age classrooms, so teachers can see students grouped together by age. The correct version of the EMAS assessment will automatically be selected based on the child’s age on September 30, 2022.

New and improved pre-k reports with Skill Development Bands are available
To help teachers interpret and use VKRP data, we provide information about where students fall within skill development bands: Beginning, Growing, and Strong (see example 4-year-old Classroom Overview report below). These score ranges are included to provide guidance on where children are in their development of skills so that teachers can provide appropriate support and instruction.

We're Here to Support You Along the Way!
The VKRP team is ready to help you navigate the school year, and bonus- we’re easy to get in touch with! See below for various ways to contact us for support:

We wish you a wonderful start to the school year and look forwarding supporting you in this journey. As always, if you have any questions, just ask!