VKRP is Expanding to Pre-K
VKRP is excited to support preschool teachers in their work with our youngest learners

In March of 2020, the General Assembly sent the Governor a budget that included a historic $85 million increase in state funding for early childhood programs. Days later, COVID-19 caused an economic downturn that forced state leaders to unallot, or freeze, all new spending. Over the past year the Governor and legislature were able to restore about $55 million of these new investments in early learning. As part of these investments, the General Assembly approved $300,000 to expand the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) to all publicly-funded preschool programs. We are excited to work with preschool teachers across the Commonwealth to support teachers in their assessment of young children’s early learning. We invite you to get to know us.
Q: What is VKRP?
A: VKRP provides teacher, families, and school leaders with an understanding of children’s school readiness skills. It also includes tools to support early learning. At its core, VKRP is a set of coordinated assessments, a reporting system, and a set of instructional resources. See how VKRP works.
Q: What skills does VKRP assess?
A: VKRP is a set of coordinated assessments that focus on literacy (PALS), mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills. VKRP uses the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) to measure early mathematics skills. VKRP uses the Child Behavior Rating Scale to measure self-regulation and social skills. Learn more about VKRP’s coordinated set of assessments.
Q: Is VKRP a new program? How did it start?
A: Since 2013, VKRP has expanded from a pilot assessment system in 100 Kindergarten classrooms to a statewide comprehensive assessment system, including 132 school divisions and nearly 86,000 kindergarten students. Now, VKRP is expanding once again to include Pre-K classrooms. Learn about where we’ve been and where we’re headed.
Q: Why is VKRP being expanded to Preschool?
A: High quality early learning experiences set the stage for school success and can narrow early opportunity gaps. By expanding VKRP to Pre-K, we can measure growth over time both within a school year and across school years (age 4 through end of Kindergarten). We can also identify students’ strengths and support student growth in areas they need it most. Learn more about the research behind kindergarten readiness.
Q: When will VKRP Pre-K begin?
A: Starting in the 2021-2022 school year VKRP will be available to all publicly-funded preschool programs to assess children’s skills in fall and spring.
Q: Who is required to implement VKRP and what other programs are eligible to participate?
A: VPI and VECF Mixed Delivery Grant programs will be required to assess children’s readiness skills each fall and spring effective Fall 2021. VKRP is also available for all publicly funded preschool programs to use starting in the 2021-2022 school year (e.g. ECSE, Head Start, Title I PreK).
Q: How does VKRK benefit me?
A: At the state level, VKRP advances equity by improving the quality and availability of early childhood education to children and families from low-income backgrounds across Virginia. VKRP also has numerous benefits for educators, as well as benefits for schools and divisions.
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This resource [VKRP] has been needed for many years! I'm pleased that we have this component to complete the picture of the whole child.
— Participating Preschool Teacher